Archdiocese of Orthodox Churches of Russian Tradition in Western Europe

Moscow Patriarchate

Help with this great opportunity!

The building we are currently has been put for sale! Help us purchase a building with a chapel and a student dorm which we, together with our partners, will turn into an International Student Dorm for 10-12 students in Bergen Norway. Imagine if we can send students from our home countries to Bergen where we can meet in mutual Christian love, prayer and worship. A meeting place where young people can grow and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ and form bonds of love and christian friendship across boundaries in a time of challenges and division. Read about our project and plans for the building here.
As a part of a doctoral work we also want to create a beautiful worship space where Orthodox Church art meets Norwegian art traditions, expressing the beauty of worship. Read more about the project here:
– We are only $150 000 short of reaching our fund raising goal. We are however pressed for time and need these funds, or pledges towards it, by May 1st.
– We will also need an additional $150 000 in order to run the place as we envision.
Would you like to help us? This is how you can help us:
Spread the word! Help us reach as many potential donors as possible by sharing the following link with people in your network and in social media: You can also go to our Facebook page at and share and like our top post in English.
Do you know someone that might be excited about this and would like to help us. Let them know about this or let us know about them.
Could you also please prayerfully consider whether you can help us with a gift towards this unique project? Find ways of giving here or respond to this email.
Please prayerfully consider how you can help us.
Archpriest Theodor Svane