Adress : 8 rue Léo Lagrange, Sainte Geneviève des Bois, 91700, France
Mobile Phone :+33 (0) 1 60 15 11 40
Email :secretariat@cimetiere-russe.org
Website : eglise-russe-ste-genevieve-des-bois.eu
Choirmaster and Cantor :
Nicolas Lopoukhine
Churchwarden :
Tatiana Chomcheff; Phone: +33(0)1 60 15 11 40
Main Language of Celebration :Slavic and French
Main Calendar :Julian
Frequency of Celebrations :
Saturday at 5 p.m .: Vigils;
Sunday at 10:00 am: Hours and Liturgy;
holidays: consult the timetables on the site or contact the lay person in charge